Looking back, it’s quite fitting I became an off-road rider. Growing up equipped me to handle the challenges that come with riding a motorcycle through the roughest, most spectacular terrain. It takes hard work, perseverance and self-sufficiency. But in saying that, I’ve come to realise that off-road motorcycling has in fact helped better prepare me for life. Adult life.

If you’re riding though unknown terrain, mountains and forests, you can’t just stop if it gets too hard. You have to get yourself, your friends or your companions out of there. Because when you’re miles from anywhere, no one else is going to help you. In a world where everything is purchased, insured, guaranteed, licensed, restricted, prohibited, medicated or funded, riding off-road is about the closest I’ve felt to being free. The freedom of being responsible for your own well being is a rare opportunity these days, and one that I feel more people need to experience.

Today, I’m grateful and privileged to be helping two young children better prepare themselves for life and the long road ahead …



5 replies
  1. Duncan Green
    Duncan Green says:

    Honestly i just love this, thanks for sharing it with us, truly beautiful, Very lucky kids in many many ways, my girls love watching this series, cheers duncan

  2. David Spronk
    David Spronk says:

    Good work Adam.. I’m impressed mister motorcycle man.. hats off to you for following your dreams.. I’m in awe…

  3. Wendy Mountford
    Wendy Mountford says:

    These little legends I have watched grow and become so confident through their love of motocross. Tom, you were always a little man of few words but your actions speak everything!! Miss Millie….reach for the stars and always believe in yourself! Love from Mrs Mountford Year 2 teacher xx


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